Managed Funds
A managed fund is a type of investment where investors' money is pooled together and use by the investment manager to buy and sell investment assets on behalf of all investors in the fund.
As the investor, you don't own the underlying investments you own units proportionated to the amount of money you have invested. The value of the units will rise and fall with the value of the underlying assets. Investors receive pay income or distribution along the fund period.
Why Invest in Managed Funds?
Provide access and opportunity for you to invest in a broad range of investments with consolidating funds. Diversify investment portfolio across countries, asset classes, industries, and companies to reduce the impact of fluctuations in an investment's market value.
Mortgage Funds
A mortgage fund is a unit trust operated by a fund manager which invests in property loans. The fund raises money by selling units in the trust, and that money is lent out as mortgages to a range of borrowers who buy and/or develop properties. The fund's risk depends on the quality of the borrowers and the purpose of the loan. As an investor, you receive a regular income stream (distributions) from the fund manager.
Property Funds
A property fund is where the funds invest in commercial property or property developments. Investors make lump sum investments either directly purchasing the property or by buying shares in property companies or other property funds. Investors might not be able to withdraw money from the fund at short notice. Investors are not guaranteed a fixed rate of interest or return.
Equity Funds
An equity fund is a mutual fund which investors' money is pooled together to be invested by the fund manager into selective securities in Australia, oversea, or both. It can be actively or passively (index fund) managed. These funds offer the potential for higher returns but also have a higher risk.
Bond Funds
A bond fund also referred to as a debt fund, is a pooled investment invested in government bonds, bank bills, and other debt instruments. Bond funds are generally low-risk investments. However, some funds invested in corporate bonds can be at higher risk. The primary goal of bond funds is to generate regular monthly income for investors.