Structured Investments

Top-Tier Financial Institutions Structured Investments

At Candour Capital, we design and directly source a range of structured investments from top-tier financial institutions for wholesale investors, financial advisers and family offices. Normally, structured investments are provided by large banks to their private clients and we want to change that. They are now accessible through us regularly. Investment options are available in AUD, USD, GBP, EUR, and other currencies.  

Product Features

  • Non-Linear Return: structure products have the potential to generate non-linear returns in rising, flat and falling markets.
  • Transparent Terms: Investment terms are pre-defined and known beforehand.
  • No FX  Requirement: An opportunity to access global markets without converting the original currency to a foreign currency.
  • Products Variety: Gain exposure to a range of asset classes including but not limited to equities, credit, interest rates, commodities, foreign currency, and hybrid.

Risks (including but not limited to)

  • Structured investments are complex, and each investment carries different levels of risk. Before deciding to invest, an investor needs to understand how the investment would work under different market situations and read through disclosure documents such as Product Disclosure Statement and/or Investment Term Sheet that provide full detail of the risks each product has.
  • The performance of the underlying asset or asset group may be significantly below expectations, thus reducing the expected return on the investment, and causing the loss of principal.
  • The early exit of a structured investment is conditional and may incur the loss of principal.
  • Exposure to the credit risk of the issuer. In the case of the issuer becoming insolvent, the holder of a structured investment will be treated as an unsecured creditor.